Saturday, January 3, 2009


I made it thru New Years but I am not so sure my husband will make it thru the day. It's a good thing he has gone or I would have to find ways to make him go, permanently! He pissed me off so bad, I am so annoyed. It's trivial but I am still greatly pissed. We went shopping for a few groceries. He was doing his lotto tickets when I saw the flyer had a $5.00 off coupon if you spent 30.00. I quickly determined we were a bit short so I plopped the flyer with the BIG $5.00 off coupon under his nose, told him there's a 5.00 off coupon, I'm going to get some chicken cutlets. He replied they had no chicken cutlets, I told him I'd be right back with something. He didn't read the flyer, he didn't listen to me so knew nothing about the coupon. He didn't wait for me and he didn't look for me. He checked out and lit a cigarette, also annoyed I wasn't waiting for him. He doesn't drive you see and won't carry car keys "because I don't need them." The only good thing about this spat is he pays for the groceries and he is the cheapest man on the planet. For him to miss out on $5.00 has to just be killing him. Especially when I explained I had 2 beautiful sirloin steaks, buy one get one free. He would have had them both practically for free, but he didn't listen to me so now he gets shit.

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